Monday, October 29, 2007

How to Choose a Home Gym

Finding a home gym or home fitness equipment can be one of the most painful processes you'll ever go through if you don't know exactly what you want. There are so many brands of equipment that knowing the right one for you can become a nightmare that leads you doing what most people do; procrastination. There are so many great home gyms that will give you everything you want plus more than you thought possible because you learned first the right home gym for you.
I'm not going to get into it but have heard so many stories of people buying home gyms that never use them, it was not what they wanted or the equipment breaks leaving only frustrated and discouragement for further attempts to achieve their goals. I do not want this to be you so please take a couple minutes and read this article on the questions you need to answer before purchasing your home gym.
Are you ready, let's go!
Home Gym Questions You Must Know
Question 1: What to you want to achieve?
This is a very important question you must ask yourself as achieving weight loss or building muscle are two very different thing and some home gyms are better for one or the other. If you want to lose weight and firm and tone your body you will not want to purchase fitness equipment that was made for people who want to build muscle but equipment made for what you want to achieve.
I have my favorite home gym but we will go over it later.
Question 2: Where is your commitment level at?
How serious are you about losing weight, exercising and changing your lifestyle towards being healthier and more active? This may seem like an easy question but do you know a person that bought a home gym and do not use it? I do...actually I know about 10 people that have bought a home gym and don't use it. We are a society of procrastination, shorts cuts and quitting when times get hard. Working out can be the best like in your life for just something you did for a week.
If you are committed to achieving your goals and changing your life a home gym or some fitness equipment will be one of the best things you will ever do for yourself. Know your commitment level and go from there.
Question 3: How much room is available?
How much space are you willing to give up for your fitness equipment? A room, half a room or no room at all is what needs to be certain as there are home gyms that can take up your whole living room, a couple feet or even some that you can easily setup and put away.
Knowing the space you have gives you options and narrows down the section of fitness equipment you are thinking about.
Question 4: How much are you willing to spend?
Money! None of us like talking about spending money but unless you get some home fitness equipment for your birthday or Christmas, you will have to buy it.
Are you in the range of a hundred, couple hundred or even a couple thousand? When considering buying a home gym one of the first thing you will look at is the price and you should but know this, "you get for what you paid for." Like I said earlier, I have my favorite home gym and fitness equipment that I believe strongly you get so much more than what you paid for. I will go over my favorite home gym in later articles in this series of "How to Choose a Home Gym."
So, did you answer all these questions and are ready for the best home gyms that will benefit you the most. Go to the next article in this series and find out all the options you have in your decision towards creating your own home gym.
Have a great day and God bless!
Jared Wash is an author with certifications by ACSM, NESTA, and ISSA in personal trainer, nutritionist, and online fitness coaching for weight loss. His mission with top weight loss site is to guide people away from false lies and myths in the fitness industry while focusing on true health and weight loss cardio workout methods.
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albern williams said...

This is nice blog.It is really helpful.Thanks for posting equipment

Unknown said...

Great post! Finding good home exercise equipment is definitely one of the hardest parts of working in the fitness industry!